
http://www.catastroartesescenicas. ​cl/

Performing artist since 2006. He has been ​educated through various seminars and ​continuous workshops. Commercial engi-

neer with magister in Marketing and inter- ​est in research and statistics.

In 2013, he founded his company, Racún, ​where he started his work the theather cir- ​cus play “Telomero”, which premiered in ​2014, since then he has worked as direc-

tor and interpreter in various initiatives on ​stage and out of it as manager, producer ​and researcher in proyects like: the Creation

of teaching methodology in aerial fabric,

project financed by Fondart in 2014, where ​he was responsible and researcher; was co- ​responsible and producer in Fondart 2016

Professionalization of circus shows; Di-

rector and author of the study Cadastre of ​Performing Arts 2016. He is currently co-re-

sponsible for the artistic practices catalog ​of the regional arts education (convened

and financed by Ministery of culture and ​Ministery of educaction) And from the end ​of 2016 he started working at FITAM (Inter-

national foundation Teatro a Mil, the big-

CI: 16.499.596-8

Nicolas Reyes


Director Producer Scenic Arts Investigator Clown artist and


jul ​02


Stuttgart, Germany



Unipersonal Show


Clown Show

Clown Yunke


Ligh and fire show

Unipersonal Show

CI: 16.384.592-k

Nestor Fuenzalida

Musician artist and workshoper

Clown, aerial artist.



Oct ​04


Hawai, USA


Fire and light shows

Radio Racun Music clown Show

As a circus artist, he began his career in the ​traditional circus “los hermanos caballini”, ​traveling through a large part of Bolivia, to ​later perform the career of circus and social ​artist in Santiago de Chile, where he spe- ​cialized as an aerial acrobat, taking various ​seminars with some of the circuses most ​recognized in the world (soleil, eloize). Also ​created social circus projects in some of

the most vulnerable districts of the capi-

tal. In the musical field, he develops his ​career at a self-taught level, being part of ​several projects such as: Sitio Eriazo and ​olafo el goliardo. In the scenic part with the ​“workshop of ideas almanicornio” linked

to performance and improvisation, creat-

ing experiences “unique and consciously ​unrepeatable” thus forming part of the con- ​temporary dance circuit. In 2016 he is part ​of the team of the “art kennel experimental ​art center” where he performs the work of ​assembly technician to diversify facilities

Links ​watch?v=jrN9jQMUKF8 ​https://vimeo. ​com/216016786

Ivone Ruiz

Clown artist and workshoper ​Improvisation actor

th ‘73

Juarez, Mexico


Multidiciplinary Show


50 min

Performing artist since 2014. She has been educated through various seminars and continuous workshops of aerials, theater, contemporary dance, and paint in mexico, US, Spain, and Costa rica.

Director and teacher at Azoe Estudio; cd. Juárez, Chihuahua 2017-present , Director of an art academy that teaches painting, drawing and comic book creation classes, aerial dance in hoop and aerial silk, contemporary jazz classes, acting. Advanced group aerial dance teacher, contemporary jazz teacher intermediate group and beginners. Beginner and advanced level painting teacher. Autonomous University of cd. Juárez IADA 2009 2014— Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design Bachilleres 5 of cd. Juárez 2006 2009 SKILLS Drawing, painting, muralism. (Oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, mixed techniques) Contemporary dance, jazz, aerial dance in canvas and hoop. Flexibility and balance Knowledge.

Photoshop, illustrator, corel, Procreate and video editing programs. Management of the English language. Artist's Instagram :azoe mew

Dossier “Lucida”

CI: 15.319.522-6

Mario Escobar


Clown artist and workshoper ​Improvisation actor



th ‘73

Cresente Errázuriz 346, ​Santiago. Chile


Clown show

Cheerful Clowning

Small format improvisation

Actor of the Arcis University is ​one of the great exponents of ​improvisation in Chile

He has perfected himself in act- ​ing, improvisation and clown in ​countries like Germany, Brazil ​and Argentina and his role as ​director has led him to work on ​various artistic projects in Chile ​and the world

CI: 16.499.596-8

Pablo Sanchez

Accompanying Musician (Darbuka, Guitar)

staff and Floor


24 ​jul


Santiago. Chile


Acrobatics and Rod performance


After finishing high school in 2011, he en- tered the Circo del Mundo, Chile, in

2012, where he studied only the first year

and traveled to Rosario, Argentina (2013), where he entered the Street Theater School of the EMAU (Municipal School of Urban

Arts) and is formed with different annual workshops that exist within the EMAU, also attends a mime seminar of 4 months of

with Raul Bruschini.

In 2014 he enters the EMAU Circus Compre- hensive School, a process that lasts 2 years (2014 - 2015), forming in parallel with dif- ferent dance and juggling seminars. At the end of 2015 he graduates from school and returns to Santiago de Chile, where in March 2016 he has a personal circus number in Pul- sarte project: Professionalization of a Circus Number that opens on December 9, 2016, in parallel with different Seminars and workshops.


Aurelie Tillou

Clown and visual artist

Aerial acrobatics

25 jun


Bordeaux, France


Clownesque & eventful performance

Woman Who Dances with Wolves'

30 min

She trained at the Bordeaux Circus School where she specialized in aerial hoops (accompanied by Clémence Coconnier -Cie Meidosems-), and developed a very unique relationship with movement thanks to collaborations with Lauriane Chamming's, Karine Noël.

Today, it is by exploring the paths of free dance that this relationship with the body and freedom of expression develops.

​Clown and acting are also essential contributions to the authenticity of his stage presence. The different approaches of Laurent Rogero -Anamorphose Group-, Dominique Unternehr -Cie La Nuit Venue- as well as those of Laurence Poueyto -Cie O.C.U.S- (clown), Maëlle Perotto -Cie Rhizôme- (clown) and Eric Blouet ( clown) knew how to nourish this relationship with the stage, and with the game / I.

Link woman who dances with wolves

Eugenio Costa



Clown workshop






Montevideo, Uruguay


Clown show

The tenist player

He started doing plays back in 2005 with the group Krusty M.U.N. for the young movement a contest organized by the mayor of Montevideo. We won in 2005 and 2010. 2009 (mention best actor), 2010 best show and character in humor with the work of the clown of Seville, 2011 in the tragicomic crisis of OsCuRiTo, 2013 in theater with "el charco de los geese" and in humor with "impro gaucho clown".

He educated himself by taking different clown courses from 2009 to date. Also in that year he began with spontaneous theater to date with the NGO Saludarte

He took workshops and seminars with national and international teachers

I have participated in circus meetings both as a workshop leader and presenting a show. Examples: the Uruguayan juggling and cannelloni circus convention and the Uruguayan traveling circus juggling meeting.

In addition to working as an artist for different places and events as a clown, mime, electronic party entertainer and events with themed characters.

Since 2019 he has been a member of a group of clowns called "Carme Diem: cabaret clown", a show in Varieté format where several numbers are presented with group musical and choreography moments.
